Saturday, August 25, 2012

Summer...where are you going?

Does anyone else feel like summer has been a sprint? Justin and I have enjoyed lots of trips, visitors, splashes in Lake Crescent, and hours digging in our garden but it feels like fall is peeking at us from around the corner. What? That is crazy. Fall?

In the midst of this whirlwind season, I've failed to take many photos of food or adventures. But here are some highlights and I plan to start getting some recipes up here soon. For example, we have a boatload of zucchini exploding in our garden right now, so you may get a few squash you have any for me?

What do you do with zucchini besides hang them in a bag on your neighbor's front door and run away?
In the meantime, here a few photo photo highlights...

Early summer fruits from the Port Angeles Farmers' Market!

My favorite wildflower : Indian paintbrush

Beargrass in bloom on Mt. Muller

Our giant kale.

Get wild: red huckleberries, trailing blackberry, black cap raspberries

Our bounty: pineapple strawberries...a new discovery for me

Lazy felines in the herbs

Motherly love.

Last week, my mom visited us in Port Angeles. As always, she brought beautiful weather along with her for the trip. So, we spent as much time outside as possible: We enslaved--err, invited-- her to join us in picking 43 lbs. of blueberries from Dungeness Meadow Farms; although, I'm sure we ate sampled enough while picking that is was somewhat closer to 50 lbs--give or take. We hung out by a sparkling Lake Crescent. We walked and snacked our way through the old city of Victoria, BC. She even volunteered to come to the native plant nursery and helped transplant salal on her vacation.

But more than anything, we hung out around home. While my dad got to see our house a few months ago when he and his brothers traveled out here, this was my mom's first stay in our little abode. It felt so good to share the place where we spend most of our hours. We even completed a jigsaw puzzle on the dining room table--if that isn't breaking in a home, I don't know what is.

 It was a great visit. As always, I'm reminded how lucky I am to have the family that I (we) do.

The jungle jigsaw--it was a team effort, completed over empress tea by my mom, Justin, and yours truly.

Dozens of gelato flavors in whimsical shapes--thank you, Victoria.