Tofu Veggie Bake

Chili !
Corn Bread
Honestly, cornbread may be one of my favorite foods in this world. Perhaps, it is because I hail from the land of cornfields. Perhaps, it is the result of a fond college memory when I received a care package (from Illinois to Boston) from my dad that contained a pan of cornbread and an unidentified spice with a note attached : "Guess what I put in this." My dad often played that game with my mom and I when I was growing up; he likes experimenting and taking risks in the kitchen. This may be why I'm not afraid to try odd things--often at the expense of justin's palate. I think the secret ingredient was a habanero pepper, by the way.
I digress, I HEART cornbread. Just before Thanksgiving, Kristy Johnston--one of the owners of Johnston Farm-- gave me some of the farm's freshly grown and ground heirloom cornmeal and her SPECIAL cornbread recipe. I said, "Oh, I have a recipe."
Her reply, "Not this recipe."
Boy was she right. Yum. I used some freshly ground whole wheat from Nash's in it to boot. Bliss. Here's the recipe (Thanks Kristy):
9X9 in. pan
Preheat oven to 425
Grease pan with butter or oil ad put it in the oven until its sizzling hot.
3/4 c. flour (whole wheat)
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1-2 TBS sugar
3/4 tsp salt
1 1/4 c. yellow corn meal
Beat in a separate bowl:
1 egg
2-3 TBS melted butter
1 c. milk
Pour the liquid into the dry ingredients and combine with a few quick strokes.
Place batter in hot pan.
Bake for about 25 minutes.
Serve with chili or by itself with butter and honey.
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