The shower was pretty sweet: so many loving friends and family in one place; food from some of Dana and Brian's favorite Seattle spots including Ezelle's Fried Chicken and Trophy Cupcakes; onesie decorating, and baby name games. I really can't believe that they will be giving birth to their creation in just 4 weeks, but they seem as prepared as any first-time parents can be. I have no doubt their child will be an amazing human.

Justin and I were inspired to make their baby a Pacific Northwest-themed mobile and I think it turned out quite nicely.

I like to make the absolute most of a trip into the city--sometimes to the point where we are exhausted by the time we return home; I like to think the whirlwind visits with some of our favorite people are rejuvenating for the spirit. So, after the baby shower, we saw a bluegrass show at the Tractor with some of our friends on Saturday night and gathered for a homemade brunch at our friends' sunny cabin on Lake Washington on Sunday morning. It was time well-spent and Justin and I were happy to return (rejuvenated spirit and all) to the simplicity that the North Olympic Peninsula offers.
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