Hello, hello. I've missed you so.
But seriously. I've missed writing for pleasure..about food, especially this time of year!
Last Monday, I presented my thesis down in Olympia. The moment I finished, I felt a lightness that I haven't felt in years. I felt an internal silence--a mind without the constant nagging of pages to write and edit, power point presentations to prepare, and 45 minutes of talking to worry about...silence.
Friday was my last day of work at the Park until the new year. More silence and stillness. So, its almost fitting that from Sunday to Monday afternoon, Port Angeles got 8 inches of snow! More silence and stillness. Its begs one to curl up in front of the fire and chill. Yesterday, Justin and I walked around town--counting the snowmobiles and jumping into drifts--then, curled up in front of the fire. What goes better with snow than chocolate chip cookies and soy nog? Very little.
Justin is off to work today--shoveling snow, is my guess. I will be dreaming of our impending celebration of rich food and rich company on Vashon Island. We've got the turkey, so I hope the roads clear a bit. I picked up a few lbs. of brussel sprouts at the Port Angeles Farmer's Market on Saturday--I've set my sights on a brussel sprout casserole, of course. So, yestereday, I pulled out the vital wheat gluten once again and made pretty good batch of no-knead bread that will soon be cubed, toasted, and married to the brussel sprouts with copious amounts of egg and Willapa Hills Big Boy Blue Cheese.
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