I have been terrible about updating lately, but I have an excuse...
Betty was in town! Yes, that's right, my mom journeyed from the great state of Illinois to the (also great) state of Washington for an entire week. What's the occasion you might ask?
Well, a certain someone (ahem, my mom) came to celebrate her 60th trip around the sun. That is something to be celebrated. This woman continues to teach and inspire me with her optimism, appreciation for the little things, sense of humor, and selflessness.
It was quite rainy here--as is the way of March in Washington--but we made the most of it. We went for a hike or two when the sun shone; we explored the antique stores of Port Angeles; we did 2.5 jigsaw puzzles (complements of GoodWill); we drank coffee, coffee, and more coffee; we played bingo (and she won $54); we relaxed; and, of course we ate delicious food.
If my mom has a favorite beverage, its coffee. If she has a favorite food, its salmon. Well, she came to the right place. We drank coffee at two of my favorite cafes, Renaissance and Blackbird. We enjoyed wild King salmon from the farmer's market for dinner two separate evenings (simply baked with roasted potatoes and grandly spiced with an indian-themed meal that Justin prepared). Of course, Betty also enjoyed alder-planked salmon for her birthday dinner at The Alderwood Bistro. We ate, we drank, we were merry.
It was so special to get to celebrate this occasion with my mom. The only thing missing was my dad, who was holding down the fort in Illinois.
Coffee and salmon...I think I'd like your mother. What a nice way to celebrate a birthday week. Special.