Oh, sweet apricot, how I love thee!
Against my cheek, you are like a soft baby's bum. With my hands, I can split you perfectly in half. You are glowing orange...sometimes, you blush (you make me blush too). As I dress in wool socks and many layers on a July day, one nibble on you and I know its summer.
But how do I love thee?
First and forever, I love you fresh. Yet, you are so versatile: dried, as a tart, a "breakfast" crumble, cooked down into butter, grilled....oh, my!
*A special thanks goes out to my friend, Neil at Cloudview EcoFarm, for offering up my first taste of apricots this year*
Crock Pot Apricot Butter
40 apricots, halved and unseeded
2 TBS. lemon juice
pinch of salt
1/2 c. sugar for every cup of puree
optional: 1-2 TBS grated ginger
1. Put 'cot halves in a pot on the stove with 1 cup of water. Over medium-high heat, bring to a boil and cook until fruit is soft enough to smash with a wooden spoon (20 minutes).
2. Puree cooked fruit with an immersion blender or in a blender in batches.
3. Transfer puree to a crock pot and add lemon juice, salt, and 1/2 c. sugar for every cup of apricot puree.
4. Cook on low for many hours with the lid slightly ajar so that the water will evaporate out. The puree should reduce by about 1/2.
5. Funnel into jars and boil them in a water bath for 20 minutes.
2. Puree cooked fruit with an immersion blender or in a blender in batches.
3. Transfer puree to a crock pot and add lemon juice, salt, and 1/2 c. sugar for every cup of apricot puree.
4. Cook on low for many hours with the lid slightly ajar so that the water will evaporate out. The puree should reduce by about 1/2.
5. Funnel into jars and boil them in a water bath for 20 minutes.
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