Thursday, April 8, 2010

What is this day all about?

This morning, I sat at my kitchen table before heading off to open up the ol' Nash Farmstore and sought a moment or two of my favorite indulgences: hot oats with lots of pecans, the New Yorker, and gazing out my big kitchen windows.

In the 15 minutes I sat there, the world outside raged in and out of peace. First, it was dark, ominous, quiet, and breezy. Then, the breeze turned into swirls and gusts of wind that carried big wet snowflakes down, up, and sideways. Just as suddenly, the sky was blue, the sun was bright and the wind was still whipping. What a beginning to the day. Energetic. Excitable. Unpredictable.

Days like these, even non-Midwesterners are talking about the weather. It affects each and every one of us, I believe. We feel energy in the wind and the constant change. But, I think the energy moves us in different ways.

For me, it makes me feel like creating something (no matter how big or small) and pondering the paths I have taken or am currently considering (not matter how big or small). How does a day like this move you?

While you consider such a question, I'm off to make a cauliflower pie and and to ponder.

1 comment:

  1. I love you so much, Jilly! Your words fill me with nothing but a deep sense of joy. I truly hope I get to enjoy the view out of your big kitchen windows with one day.
