Monday, July 26, 2010

What day is it?

Dosewallips. Seattle. Pittsburgh. Duckabush. Our little yellow house.

That pretty much sums up that last few weeks. First, I got to spend time deep in Olympic National Park; we clamored over charcoal stumps and unscathed vine maple flats, where fires had burned last summer, in search of the not-so-elusive weeds: Geranium robertianum (stinky bob) and Cirsium arvense (canada thistle). The sun shone so brightly and intensely each day that I could barely resist jumping in the glacial fed Dosewallip River.

Luckily, when Justin and I arrived in Pittsburgh for his cousin's wedding, there was plenty of water fun to be had. Not only did we go to the biggest pool I've ever seen, but we also spent a day (along with his family) at a theme park with waterslides (and funnel cake)! I didn't realize until then, that there are very few outdoor pools here in the Pacific Northwest; I spent many-a-summer during my youth hanging out at the pool, perfecting my cannon ball, and eating sweet tarts from the snack bar. I know the weather here doesn't really inspire summer pool lounging and that we have lots of naturally occurring bodies of water to enjoy, but nothing feels more like summer than hanging at the pool amidst the scents of chlorine and suntan lotion while taking in the sights.
I digress, Pittsburgh was more than a day at the pool. It was so nourishing to get to spend time with Justin's family and to explore the steel city. I have a crush on Pittsburgh with its old brick buildings, no nonsense attitude, Pamela's Pancakes, and Justin's family, friends, and familiar places.

The day we got back from Pittsburgh, I went back into the woods in search of more weeds. What a contrast!

Finally, I am home in our little yellow house. The garden has exploded and the tastiest native berries of the summer are now ripe ripe RIPE! Yes, I spent today at work picking thimbleberries and trailing blackberries--one for my mouth, one for the Elwha Project; one for my mouth, one for the Elwha Project....

A trailing blackberry pie is in the near future....stay tuned.

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