Tuesday, January 5, 2010

...With Great Resolve

I don't know about you (yes, you, invisible folks out there in the intra-web), but when I hear the phrase "new years resolution", I have two, quite polar, reactions in my brain.
1. bah humbug! Resolutions are too finite, too easy to feel like you've failed, too cheesy for me! No, sir, not for me.
2. Hmmm. Well, it is the dead of winter. What better time to stop, reflect, and think about how I want the coming year to be or how I want to be in the coming year. Yeah, lets do it....I'll make a list of 73 resolutions!

This year, while grappling with this internal brain battle, I decided to pick some Focus Points for 2010. 5 to be exact--I like odd numbers. Along with these focus points, I created "action items" to go along with my focus points. (Can you tell I'm a virgo?)

What are your thoughts on resolutions? What do you want to focus on in the coming year?

My Focus Points
1. Be more aware of the meaningfulness in each day (moment).
2. Stay in better touch with my loved ones.
3. Get my budget in line.
4. Continue to pursue personal growth/challenges.
5. Take time/energy to play and grow with Justin.

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